the early days.
"I remember looking at the empty warehouse, there was rubbish and dust everywhere.
It was hard to convince anyone that this space could be anything more than a demolition site.


"It was an interesting time in Melbourne, some nights there would be as many as 30 people leaving the Blender with mops, rollers, cans everything. The city was under siege. We owned the town. It was awesome. We would all work in the studio and at about 5 or 6pm as people finished work they would come over to the Blender to have some beers etc. And then everyone would hit the town. It was stencils, paste-ups and parties."


The studios are still a meeting place and wa strong underground element remains.
Alongside the studios we run the Melbourne Street Tours, providing tours and workshops for the public, corporate and education sector. On the tours, a famous street artist is the tour guide, and it starts at Fed Square and works its way through the city to the Blender Studios. The tour helps open up the Studios to the public, and also helps fund the studios by keeping the studio rent down, and they are also a way for artists to make some income to support their art practice.
Blender Creatives has also come out of the studios, producing creative projects such as large scale murals or installations. This is also creates opportunities and connects artists with commission opportunities.
So the Blender has become more of an art complex and ideas factory where nearly anything goes. It is self-sustainable and tries to bring art to everyone. It is not elitist and everyone is always welcome. It's always about the memories.'